Apr 202022

A rare bit of good news here on Twenty-Twenty Part Two: This Time It’s Personal.

Little feller seems to be happy and healthy, if a bit patchy. I have high hopes that the two animals responsible for the attack on him never again feel a moment anywhere near as joyful as this little guy right here is having. Sadly, I fully expect they’ll be released to wreak havoc upon society again and again.

 Posted by at 9:18 pm
Apr 202022

This view of Phobos crossing the face of the sun has been brought to you by western civilization, engineering rigor and a determination to place objective facts over feelings. No other system ever dreamed up by Man could have come anywhere close to letting us see this. or, indeed, even imagining it: Phobos would ahve been forever unknown to mankind if not for western civilization.

The Smithsonian kindly provided a convenient fact sheet to help you make your culture capable of this sort of thing.

 Posted by at 9:14 pm
Apr 202022

It’s a fundamental principle of American jurisprudence that the courts cannot try you twice for the same crime if you have been acquitted. The feds have of course found ways around that, by charging, say, cops who killed someone in the line of duty and been acquitted of using excessive force with federal “hate crimes” charges. Sure, you were found not guilty of murder. But did you use harsh language? Guilty! It’s a shameful practice. but at least in in the US, “double jeopardy” is *usually* the standard. The feds playing tricks is normally reserved for a tiny number of politically explosive cases, where the goal is to have a show trial in order to placate unthinking violent mobs.

Britain, though, seems to not even have that thin and perforated veneer of civilization. If you are charged and acquitted, the courts can appear and charge you again, it seems.

Grenfell Tower: Man admits posting grossly offensive model video

Short form: a man made a cardboard “model” of a building and burned it on a bonfire. That’s it. That’s the crime. He didn’t burn the building itself; the cardboard was his, the bonfire was his, the bonfire was legal and there were no laws against burning cardboard. He was charged with being, essentially, rude, because the building in question was “Grenfell Tower,” a massively badly made high rise building that had recently caught fire and killed a bunch of people. It would be akin to someone in, say, November of 2001 burning a cardboard model of the World Trade Center. Offensive? sure. Criminal? Ummm…. *how?* So not only are actions which harm no one and damage nothing illegal in Britain, the courts can go after you time and again until they get what they want.

 Posted by at 12:43 pm
Apr 202022

The “Galactic Starcruiser” at Disneyworld pretends to be a Star Wars themed “cruise” that runs several thousand dollars for two days and nights of… “fun,” I guess? Honestly it looks kinda halfassed, and it doesn’t really look so much “Star Wars” as “Generic Space Conflict.” YouTube is replete with videos talking smack about it; no need to rehash them. So the video below seems to be a *positive* review of one particular area of the attraction. It’s… huh. Disney is certainly not only skilled at the art of resource extraction, but bound and determined to do it. I’m all for capitalism, but this seems a little… I dunno, desperate.

Given Disney’s recent determination to come out in support of child-grooming, my chances of splurging on a trip to Disneyworld have plummeted from zero to some arbitrary negative number.

 Posted by at 1:36 am
Apr 192022

Did someone spin a wheel of random policy ideas? Did this headline slip through from an alternate reality? Is this some ploy that sounds good on the face of it but which is really a devious scheme to turn it all upside down?

Biden launches $6B effort to save distressed nuclear plants

The Biden administration is launching a $6 billion effort to save nuclear power plants at risk of closing, citing the need to continue nuclear energy as a carbon-free source of power that helps to combat climate change.

Yes, saving nuclear plants is a good idea. Yes, nukes are the best way to de-carbonize energy production. No, I don’t know why *this* President suddenly recognizes these basic facts. Of course I won’t *begin* to trust this until *new* nuclear powerplants start coming online.

 Posted by at 8:18 pm
Apr 192022

In looking up the latest news about the war in Ukraine, Google News decided I needed to see this:

Netflix saves scrapped show helmed by Star Trek: Discovery boss

In short: CBS had a pilot and decided not to go forward with the show, but Netflix picked it up. The pilot was helmed by one Jordon Nardino, a “co-executive producer” on Star Trek: Discovery. This show now to be produced by Netflix is described thusly:

Coming to Netflix: Miss Benny (they/them/theirs) will star in GLAMOROUS as Marco Mejia (he/him/his), a young gender non-conforming queer man whose life seems to be stuck in place until he lands a job working for a legendary makeup mogul.

Uh huh. This explains a *lot* about modern Star Trek and why it sucks so badly and is so unlike actual Star Trek. In Star Trek: TOS, it was made abundantly clear that mental illness was almost entirely eliminated, with the Federation having something like 15 incurable nutballs until some new medicine comes along that cures even them. In all actual Star Trek, what is celebrated is someone trying to actually do something meaningful and useful with their lives. This new Netflix show is the polar opposite… as are modern debased Star Trek.

 Posted by at 12:35 pm
Apr 192022

After far too long of letting unhinged lunatics do whatever the frak they want, it’s nice to see the cops sometimes come in and sweep these loons off the streets. In Pittsburgh, some anti-civilization insurrectionists were illegally blocking the streets, the police showed up to shuffle them off, they became even *more* unhinged, and one alleged “person” tried to go hands-on with a cop and discovered that not all cops are pushovers.


The video below is from The Young Turks, which includes not only additional footage but also “analysis.” Given that it’s The Young Turks, the analysis is reliably 180 degrees off to reality.

 Posted by at 12:42 am
Apr 192022

Here’s an odd thing currently on ebay:

Vintage Boeing SST Presentation Wall Art, Copper Sheet formed for 3D perspective

It’s a piece of Boeing 2707-100 supersonic transport concept art, a painting I’ve seen before. But the difference is that it’s painted on an embossed sheet of copper. I recall this sort of thing being popular-ish back in the 70’s, having done myself as a child back then. I don’t know if this is in any way an official Boeing rendering, or some unofficial piece of “folk art,” but it looks reasonably good.

Note: I looked up the artist, “C.E. Pearson.” Turns out this person seemed to do a *lot* of “copper art,” including a bunch of – wait for it – clowns (this was from before Pennywise and John Wayne Gacy nuked the idea of clowns as being anything but creepy). Gah. My guess is it’s not official.

It’s not something I’m going after. Have at it.

 Posted by at 12:23 am