Jul 142022

So Ulster County, new York decided to have a contest for kids to design a new “I Voted” sticker.

I Voted Sticker Contest

Some are fairly professional:

Some are what you might expect from a kid:

And then… there’s the one by 14-year-old Hudson Rowan. Guess which one currently has 93% of the vote. Go on, guess.


That’s the best thing I’ve seen all day.

 Posted by at 3:03 pm
Jul 142022

Sometimes trolls troll just for the lulz. And sometimes… their trolling brings out important truths. Such is the case here where a comedian name of Alex Stein trolled AOC a *tiny* amount, and in response she showed her full-on hypocrisy.

According to her, it’s fine to harass *other* politicians and even judges when they disagree with her… but if *she* gets even the slightest, tamest bit of harassment, she not only deserves police protection from it, she wants to carry out acts of physical violence in response.

If you advocate it, expect it.

 Posted by at 2:00 pm
Jul 142022

For a long time we’ve known that the supposedly “all about the science” political Left thinks that guns are evil. But they’ve expanded the field of non-sentient mechanisms that they think have unfortunate personality traits:

Homophobic Telescope Reveals First Hi-Res Images of Deep Space


 Posted by at 12:21 pm
Jul 142022

Sure, it’s just a “college project,” but you know that this, or something even more uncomfortable, is coming.

Here’s what it might be like to travel on a double decker airplane seat

I don’t know who I feel more sorry for: those olds like myself who remember pre-9/11 flying, when it was a bit inconvenient and often a bit uncomfortable, but overall a decent enough experience, or those who have only known post-9/11 security theater and steerage-class accommodation.


 Posted by at 1:18 am
Jul 132022

I posted a link to this vid nearly two weeks ago, but this guy has a good time laughing at it. Some amusing and interesting discussion.


BTW, “the beautiful ones” is likely a reference to “Universe 25 ” or  an experiment with mice that showed that excess population density leads to disaster. A “rodent utopia” led to, among other horrors:

Consequently, the next generation of mice, having never experienced healthy mouse behaviour, had no concept of mating or parenting, or even territorialism. Some – dubbed the “beautiful ones” – spent their time eating, drinking, and grooming themselves in seclusion. Elsewhere, mice formed gangs of cannibalistic, raping plunderers.

Tell me that doesn’t sound a lot like modern cities. Go on. Tell me.

I wonder what would happen to the TikToker shown above if, on one of her drinking and partying binges after yet another empty, meaningless day of snacking, drinking and goofing off, she encountered some of the people that I’ve posted *other* kinds of videos about. Assuming she survived the experience with her brain still capable of rational thought, would she look at the world differently? Would she maybe reflect on her life spent accomplishing nothing and decide to maybe consider actually *doing* something?

I also wonder if she looks at young men whose greatest ambition is to spend all day playing online video games and thinks that *they* are losers.

 Posted by at 2:39 pm
Jul 122022

I think a decent case can be made that we might see the collapse of civilization within a generation or two… and possibly sooner. The end of the Soviet Union over thirty years ago seemed like the dawning of a glorious new age… but we’ve squandered that opportunity. We’ve ignored the barbarians gathering outside the gates… and gathering *within* the gates. You can see it in many of the videos and news stories I’ve posted. Not just a coarsening of discourse, but a collapse of the family and an increasing feralness among fatherless “children.”

The piece below is depressing, and very likely right. I don’t agree with all of it… but you don’t need 100% agreement to agree that things are in a bad way, that something must be done, and the general direction of what that something is.

How To Recognize Civilization When You See It

 Posted by at 6:53 pm