Jul 172022

Hey, Britain. Get yer crazies under control. This sort of insanity is supposed to be *our* job.

Woke dance school drops ballet from auditions as it is ‘white’ and ‘elitist’

Archived copy of article.

Ballet has been dropped from auditions at leading dance schools as staff say it is rooted in “white European ideas”.

The Northern School of Contemporary Dance (NSCD), which aims to be a “progressive institution”, has reviewed the “elitist” art form as part of a diversity drive that has seen the introduction of new policies relating to gender and race.

Say, that’s neat. The school has a problem with ballet because:

1) You have to take classes to get good at it (what art form *doesn’t* require buttloads of practice???)

2) It has problematic ideas of body forms (imagine someone morbidly obese as a ballerina. Outside of “Fantasia,” it ain’t happenin’)

3) It has distinct gender roles. Because I guess it makes all kinds of sense for a petite ballerina to pick up a… ummm… ballerdude, whatever they’re called, and spin ’em around overhead.

4) Perhaps most importantly, it’s “European.” I guess that’s a problem in FRIGGEN’ BRITAIN.

So what they’re after is a form of dance where you can’t tell who’s a guy and who’s a gal, where someone extremely out of shape can perform as well as an athlete, and where you can pick it up without any sort of professional training.

This should be an endless source of amusement.


 Posted by at 3:44 pm