May 122011

In going through my digital photo files, I’ve found these numbers for number of photos and total filesize, per year:

2002 (incomplete, data lost): 221 files, 104 megabytes

2003: All data lost

2004 (incomplete, data lost) : 2446 files, 2.39 gigabytes

2005: 1646 files, 1.13 GB

2006: 1725 files, 1.24 GB

2007: 4362 files, 9.96 GB

2008: 19413 files, 65.1 GB

2009: 29261 files, 122 GB

2010: 22612 files, 107 GB

2011 (so far): 13426 files, 59 GB

Conclusions: 2002 through 2004 were bad years for data storage. 2008 was a big year in delusions of photographic adequacy, followed up by a similarly delusional 2009. 2010, however, saw a decline in the bulk of photography. 2001 has gotten off to a big start, but that was due to a long trip.

Total: 95,112 photos, of which I’d estimate approximately 100 to be “really good” and a further 500 or so to be “pretty good.”

 Posted by at 11:51 pm

  One Response to “Photo Stats”

  1. Data lost, data lost. Ouch! There is still a lot in favour of old technology. My wife’s great-great aunt emigrated to America and I still have the wedding photograph taken in 1871. The photo is just 9 cm high, but zoom in and you can see some very subtle pink shading on the cheeks and some green on the head dress. The photographers of that time called themselves “artists and photographers”.


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