May 112011

Reduce the instrumentation as far as technologically possible, use modern, lighter materials and use the freed-up volume and mass for propellant storage… and you’ll have the space motorcycle for 2030.

 Posted by at 2:52 pm

  6 Responses to “Mercury Capsule General Arrangement”

  1. The entrance hatch looks too small compared to the real thing.

  2. Not enough time under thrust, unless you are talking about a dragster motorcycle.

  3. And if you gave Gemini the same treatment, you’d have a space sports car.

  4. There was a report that some group was hoping to do just that, for the 50th anniversaries. Never heard any more about it, since about December.

  5. To think all the electronic functions inside a Mercury could be done today by an iPad ! And what would they have given for carbon fibre?

  6. According to the lower left drawing the hatch is only 16 inches across at its bottom side
    How someone wearing a Mercury spacesuit is supposed to fit through that is a very good question.
    Is this a boilerplate or monkey version that is intended to be flown unmanned? Or was the original idea to fly it with no pressure suit on, after greasing the astronaut up good and forcing him into it?

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