May 012011


Return of the Killer Shrews

The ’59 film, The Killer Shrews, found a group of folks on an island with the ravenous beasts. This time James Best’s ship captain is hired by a reality crew to return to the island and…you guessed it, the shrews attack again.

I can’t tell if this is Grade-A Stupid, or B-Grade Awesome. Could go either way. But without the bots… it just won’t be the same.

 Posted by at 12:15 pm

  3 Responses to “Return of the Killer Shrews”

  1. Hollywood is bored….back to Alfred Hitchcock…”The Birds”.

  2. That was a great movie! The “shrews” were dogs in shrew costumes leading to the longest-legged shrews you ever laid eyes on:

  3. Now here’s a strange story… Yvette Vickers, the star of “Attack Of The 50 Foot Woman” and “Attack Of The Giant Leeches” has been found dead and mummified:

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