Apr 202011

A note for budding photographers: when making panoramic views that include both close and distant objects, slight parallax issues can become obvious when stitching the photos together.

 Posted by at 7:22 pm

  4 Responses to “Udvar-Hazy Overview”

  1. aircraft Paradise…

  2. Aircraft Lovers Paradise. 🙂

  3. Did you happen to see the Go-229 while you were there?
    It was stored over at Garber, but was supposed to be restored and displayed over at Udvar-Hazy.
    Plus, somewhere in the Smithsonian complex there’s a Natter that’s had its wings cut and hinged to make it easy to transport to display locations.

  4. Oh boy, they’ve got the restored Ar-234 and Do-335 over at
    They even have the Walter ATO rockets on the Blitz.
    We wants precious, we wants!

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