Apr 082011

Jesus as an openly gay man

I’m a little unclear on the article. It seems to be either a claim that the recently unveiled lead books claim that Jesus was gay… or it’s the authors daydreaming about what he’d *like* the recently unveiled lead books to claim. Either way it’ll tick some Christians off.

Now, if the author is just speculating, perhaps he could publish some equivalent speculations about how nice it would be to find similar ancient texts describing Mohammad as gay (the existing ones already pretty much have him nailed as a perv). While some Christians might get offended and fire off angry Letters To The Editor, I suspect claims about Mohammad being gay would result in a  somewhat more energetic response from his fan club.

 Posted by at 5:47 pm

  11 Responses to “This should prove entertaining 2”

  1. The double standard is clear. Say this about a Christian god, and you probably just get hate mail etc. Say this (or even draw a picture) of Mohammad, and you will probably get blown up or shot.

    Just keep that in mind whenever someone tries to convince us that Islam means peace.

  2. Yep… this should be entertaining.

    Admin — You do realize that April Fools Day was seven days ago? At any rate, this would have made a great joke.

    The one thing Christianity and Islam have in common — they both try to convince us they are peaceful religions without any double standards.

  3. @Jordan. When was the last time there were killings because someone somewhere in the world insulted Christianity? Don’t lump Christians in with the cavemen. And spare us the babble about the Crusades. That was 700 years ago. We’re talking about TODAY.

  4. > When was the last time there were killings because someone somewhere in the world insulted Christianity?

    In the western world? Probably quite a while. I understand that there are some regions of sub-Saharan Africa where the Christian locals are a might touchy. The Lebanese civil war led to a number of Christian massacres of Muslims (Karantina and tel al-Zaatar led to ~4000 deaths).

    Christians are hardly free of the taint of murderous religiosity. The Catholics and Protestants wiping each other out in Ireland, frex, or the KKK going after Catholics here in the US in the 20th Century. Been more than a few Christians merrily wiping out Roma, Jews and other religions during the 20th as well. But it’s been *centuries* since Christianity on the whole was as bloodthirsty as some other *current* religions I can mention.

    Christianity went through a particularly nasty period after the Reformation, with numerous European wars between Protestant and Catholic. But since then, *on* *the* *whole,* Christianity has been fairly well behaved. I guess sometimes you just need to get it out of your system.

    Perhaps a good case can be made that what Islam needs is a good, hard internecine war. Let those who think it’s neato-keen to slaughter in the name of God go and slug it out with others who think it’s neato-keen to slaughter in the name of God. Cleans out the gene pool and leaves things open for an Enlightenment.


  5. There’s a church out here in California that holds Jesus was a girl but dressed as a boy so he/ she’d be taken seriously.

    I met the pastor of this church about a year back, she was insistent this is the One Truth, they really believe this.

  6. “Let those who think it’s neato-keen to slaughter in the name of God go and slug it out with others who think it’s neato-keen to slaughter in the name of God. ”

    There’s a plan I could get behind. Now if they’d just get on with it.

  7. Abortion may is one area where a fringe few American christians are still trying to kill people.

  8. Abortion is one area where some people *are* successfully killing other people (NOTE) in the millions.

    NOTE: depends on how you define “person,” of course.

  9. From what I’ve read on the lead books, the ones that have been examined in detail have little text in them and are mainly full of symbols and drawings.
    Given that the pages on most of them are only around the size of credit cards, there wouldn’t be much space for writing anyway.
    Two things hit me as odd about them:
    1.) They are made out of cast lead rather than engraved lead, which suggests that multiple copies of them were made using molds.
    This would be very odd for something that was considered holy at the time; even today, the Torahs used in synagogues are hand lettered copies of another Torah, not something that came out of a printing press.
    2.) Lead was considered a very base metal at the time, and manufacturing something holy out of it might have well been considered blasphemy. There was a copper scroll discovered with The Dead Sea Scrolls, but it wasn’t about anything holy, just a list of where hidden treasure was to be located in Jerusalem. The copper appears to have been used to make it less susceptible to damage over time.
    These things, like the “Jesus Ossuary” fake, smell really suspicious.
    They certainly are odd enough to deserve investigation to figure out exactly what they are though.
    If they really are ancient, the lead construction may purposely be to make them unclean, and you could be looking at something Gnostic in nature.

  10. > It seems to be either a claim that the recently unveiled lead
    > books claim that Jesus was gay… or it’s the authors daydreaming
    > about what he’d *like* the recently unveiled lead books to claim. ==

    Yeah and a paper really should be more clear about little distinctions like that.

    >==Either way it’ll tick some Christians off.

    Oh yeah!

    > Now, if the author is just speculating, perhaps he could publish
    > some equivalent speculations about how nice it would be to find
    > similar ancient texts describing Mohammad as gay (the existing
    > ones already pretty much have him nailed as a perv). ==

    Pedophiliac hetero is documented and approved of in the Koran (his “most beloved wife” got married to him at age 6 adn lost her virginity at 9) —- (letting that sink in) — so at best he might be bi.

    Eiather way the Muslim wackos will be out burning down church’s and killing folks, but that isn’t much of a accomplishment.

  11. > There’s a church out here in California that holds Jesus was a girl but
    > dressed as a boy so he/ she’d be taken seriously.

    I ran into one that thought Elvis was the second coming. I didn’t ask if they saw teachings in blue swead shoes of something.


    Theres nothing so weird someone won’t worship it.

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