Mar 202011

Wind-powered PVC walking machines. Just a bit unsettling to watch.

[youtube HSKyHmjyrkA]

[youtube b694exl_oZo]

 Posted by at 11:42 pm

  8 Responses to “Wind Walkers”

  1. interesting concept.

  2. These are great, hard to see how the can extract enough energy from the wind to walk into the wind.

  3. I ran into those a few years back; they sure do look strange in operation, and you really have to applaud his engineering abilities and imagination in making them work.

  4. THAT is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen, true genious

  5. See, now I want to make myself a PVC wind powered walking throne to ride around on.

  6. How windy is it on Mars?…………

  7. “How windy is it on Mars?…………”

    Not very. Remember that the ground level pressure is comparable to 100,000 feet on Earth. Even a “high speed wind storm” on Mars is going to push very little on a surface. On the plus side, gravity is much lower.

  8. I wonder if someone could combine this and the old hoberman sphere. Instant tumbleweed. Useful on the sea floor perhaps?

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