Mar 192011

Now that the UN has passed a “no fly zone” resolution for Libya, the French have apparently taken it seriously. Check out these photos:–606×404.jpg

It’s interesting to see just how fast France was to pull the trigger here, considering how reluctant they were to do anything in Iraq in 2003.

 Posted by at 11:49 am

  15 Responses to “Not the best time to go flying in Libya”

  1. I still remember back in 1996 France did not want us to fly over them
    on the way to bomb Libya.

  2. I’ve heard the MiG in the picture was actually an ‘own goal’ by the rebels. If so and the pilot survived the ejection he’s going to be peev’ed!

  3. Libya is just a quick refugee boat ride from France, Iraq isn’t.

  4. Its a great time to go flying in Libya, Good hunting !
    you know that we should have a few armed predators overhead real soon !


  5. > we should have a few armed predators overhead

    Why? Kadaffy was not responsible for 9/11! No blood for oil! WHARRGARBL!!!

    I mean, seriously. After all the bullshit that the world heaped on the US for taking down Saddam… now they want to take down Kadaffy??? Sure, he’s massacring his own people. But he’s a piker compared to Saddam. What the hell gives?

  6. The French planes bombing Libya are the same type that France was trying to sell to Libya not so long ago.

  7. It seems the jet in the photo was a rebel jet, probably shot down by the loyalists.

  8. Just wait until Kadaffy uses one of his nukes. Then things will get very interesting.

  9. “Just wait until Kadaffy uses one of his nukes.” I think we’ll be waiting a while.

  10. The Middle Eastern countries that have received the most hostility from Obama seem to be Egypt and Libya. What those two have in common is that neither are Islamic theocracies. Is that important? I think it is. If the West helps take Kadaffy down there will be no revenge terrorism from Muslim fundamentalists.

  11. The shootdown of the rebel MiG raises an interesting question; does the no-fly zone also apply to the rebels?
    I was surprised to find that Libya has some Su-24 Fencers in its air force, but just how flyable they are is open to question due to lack of spare parts.
    France’s sending the Charles de Gaulle down there without much of an escort force sounds like taking a unnecessary risk, as Italy seems willing to serve as a base for the attacking aircraft.
    If anyone can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, it’s the French. 😉

  12. I wouldn’t sneeze at their GBADS, but I’m quite confident that the Libyan air force would serve nicely as the losing side of the Great Mediterranean Turkey Shoot. (You heard that here first!)


  13. “Why? Kadaffy was not responsible for 9/11! No blood for oil! WHARRGARBL!!!”

    Admin (Scott),
    F*CK Kadaffy. My dad flew Pan Am flight 102 and Ray (1st officer) got me drunk in Santiago on my 21st birthday. 1988 was a very sad Christmas at our house. (didn’t help that dad didn’t call home for a week! but that’s another story.) I cheered when we bombed his tents and killed (one of) his wives.


  14. Not as good as the original Pinkard and Bowden, but that version doesn’t appear to be available on YouTube, so here you go:

  15. Well, they are sure blowing the crap of his compound in Tripoli, and I love the fist-plane statue:
    Now, if I could just figure out what the plane is supposed to be…it looks like some sort of U-2 with the nose of an F-22 on it. 🙂

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