Mar 132011

A rather disturbing video taken *after* the quake showing the ground continue to move:

[youtube qkHxDZGSM7E]

Ten minutes of tsunamis (with a whole lot of irritating “bugs” on the screen):

[youtube hAE7GLE_cOc]

Things to note:

1: The stranded truck drivers at 0:56. Yeeeeesh.

2: The cargo ship at 8:30 heading into town is going to be trouble.

3: The yacht at 9:47

4: The ships in town at 9:50

 Posted by at 12:51 pm

  5 Responses to “More vids”

  1. the cargo ship at 8:30

    look closely at the water around its stern and bow .. i think this ship is under poewerand is trying to maneuver – if so the driver on the bridge is really keeping his nerves …

  2. It looks like there were several sea walls but the wave was so big nothing could have stopped it.

  3. I think the first video is demonstrating the phenomenon of soil liquifaction. That’s where very wet soil gets agitated enough that the solids fall to the bottom of it; the free liquid is then lighter than the surrounding material, and geysers up out of the surface. This could also cause cracks to move.

  4. I look at these videos, and I keep thinking I’m seeing the newest Toho monster movie boasting really top-notch special effects.
    All this video should be set to the soundtrack of The Mysterians:

  5. In a William Gibson novel, Virtual Light, Japan was struck by a huge earthquake they named Godzilla.

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