Feb 232011
Step 1: Be six foot four and skinny
Step 2: Dress up like Abe Lincoln
Step 3: Go to the Lincoln Memorial on Presidents Day
Step 4: Start reciting the Gettysburg Address
Step 5: Get interrupted by a Park Service cop who tells you he can fine you for giving a speech without a permit
Step 6: Move down off the steps of the Memorial
Step 7: Start speaking again
Step 8: A friend passes around a basket to the cheering tourists and they toss in a couple bucks
Step 9: Same cop again interrupts and asks if you have a vending permit
Step 10: Cop passes out a few $100 tickets
Step 11: …
Step 12: Profit! (The government, that is…)
[youtube BrAdiYoo0NA]
One Response to “Your tax dollars at work”
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One wonders what would happen to someone quoting from the Koran.