Feb 192011

 Posted by at 7:28 pm

  8 Responses to “Raedthinn”

  1. Awwwww …

  2. It has to be genetic with black and white cats. We had one who looked just like Raedthinn, and he slept just like that too. Sometimes, to look at him, you’d think he’d been dropped and broken.

    Had six toes, too.

    But dumb. Really dumb.

  3. I don’t think that Raedthinn is particularly dumb, even by cat standards. He has a particualrly good understanding of mechanical devices such as doorknobs.

  4. Does he enjoy human attention?

  5. Guy (my black and white) knew that if you pushed on a door, it would open.

    Couldn’t understand that that only worked from one side of the door.

    Sure miss him.

  6. I wonder if Raedthinn enjoys cuddling up to humans like he enjoys
    cuddling up to Fingers? It would be a face full of fur in the morning.

  7. > Does he enjoy human attention?

    On occasion, on his terms and on his schedule. He will sometimes hop up in a lap and permit himself to be scratched, but if you pick him up, he;ll try to get away.

    Buttons is the one who’ll jump right in a persons face and *demand* attention.

  8. One thing that is true about animals over people…..unconditional love.

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