Feb 102011

I’ve been selling Justo Miranda’s works as downloadable PDFs for a while now. He has recently agreed to have me start selling them in print format, as they were originally meant to be. So start saving your pennies…

The selling price will be higher than the PDF price, as might be expected, but in many cases less than the original paper sales price.

 Posted by at 4:48 pm

  2 Responses to “Reichdreams & Unknown series to be MagCloudified”

  1. They really do have top-notch detailed drawings in those, though I still don’t buy the Nazi flying saucer designs as being real aircraft or missiles.
    They’ve also got the Zippermeyer Wind cannon firing from the wrong end.
    The vortex ring comes out of the long tube end, not the short pointed end:

  2. Here’s some great footage of a real vortex cannon in operation:
    A fun concept, but not quite as effective as a 88mm cannon. 😀
    I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out the concept came from the damaging acoustic effects of the Argus pulsejet like used on the V-1 on things behind it, because it worked a lot like a vortex cannon firing at 47 Hertz.
    Apparently, the Germans actually stuck one one of these gizmos near a railway bridge to defend it from air attack…given its short range, one would think that a quad 20mm antiaircraft gun would have been cheaper, smaller, far easier to aim, and just a _lot_ more effective.
    But hey…there is no understanding the Third Reich’s logic.
    “Let’s have a look at that nose…oh-oh…hope you don’t have anything planned for next week.”

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