Jan 242011

Ummm… neato?

Scientists Disrupt Moral Reasoning With Magnets To The Skull

Short form… magnetic fields properly applied to test subjects brains reduced the percieved immorality of harming others.

It would be interesting to see if similar magnetic tinkering can *increase* the sense of “it’s wrong to hurt people”  felt  by psychopaths and the like.

 Posted by at 1:09 pm

  3 Responses to “Turns out, morality has an “off” switch”

  1. U.S. Patents: 395114, 5507291, 3773049, and 5480374. I found these while looking for something else.

  2. Turns out, morality has an “off” switch

    Nothing new about that. It’s called Tequila.

  3. How much of a magnetic influence is a cell phone? Most of the college kids around here live with their phones stuffed against their temple, and that may explain some of their behavior if there’s sufficient gauss.

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