Jan 222011

How else to explain him plagiarizing my posts? A few days back I posted about the short story “Philosophers Stone,” and used that as a launching platform about my own harebrained ideas for fixing the economy by spurring invention. So what does Obama doyesterday? Gave another one of his dreary speeches, where he discussed fixing the economy through invention (though I didn’t hear anything in there about how to spur invention… like, say, tax cuts for getting patents or any such thing).

[youtube 5WvFDr4M39I]

The video scores bonus points for having one of the creepist bits of fawning personailty-cultism appended to the tail end of it.

 Posted by at 12:35 pm

  8 Responses to “Apparently Obama reads the Unwanted Blog”

  1. Do you think he took voice lessons? His voice has the same tenor that I remember from Carl Sagan.

    Yeah, that last thing is pretty creepy. It’s almost exactly what I hear from the local college kids. They think Obama is the best thing that happened to America since, perhaps, the condom. Much of Obama’s following is, as best I can tell, based on his skin color more than it’s based on anything else other than the fact that he’s not George Bush.

  2. So, let me get this straight. When individual people borrowed money and spent it, that was bad and created economic catastrophe. But when government borrowed tons of money and spent it, this was good and saved the economy?

  3. Patents != Innovation, not with the shoddy quality control at the USPTO these days. Too many patents granted for tech that isn’t new or isn’t sufficiently disclosed.

  4. Take a look at RexResearch.com and look at some of the stuff that might
    have made it as far as possible free energy inventions and look for
    yourself,for example. I feel that some of them might have made it
    if they did but none were ever produced.

  5. > Take a look at RexResearch.com …


    Rex Research was established in 1982 by Robert A. Nelson to archive and distribute ” InFolios ” — Information Folios — of collected articles about suppressed, dormant, or emerging Sciences, Technologies, Inventions, Theories, Therapies, and miscellaneous Alternatives that offer some Hope to help Liberate Humanity from its Stupidity and from evile Psychopaths ( &c ) and their Pornocracy. Enow, Freedom (TM), Truth (TM), Love (TM) and Earth (TM) are gravely wounded, whilst Time (TM) is accelerating / compressing — running out, along with the Oxygen (TM) & Oil (TM) & Money (TM) & Luck (TM) & Stuff (TM) — in these Latter Days of this era of “Civilization” as we knew it…

  6. ok Scott,you made your point…it was a bad example, but truthfully what we ought to do is keep a better eye on our economy and monitor what we are
    doing on financial mattersand not let this stuff keep happening. According
    to an Allstate ad that was on a while back we have had twelve recessions
    since the Great DepressionYou really think that by now we should have learned something out of it and known to have better monitored our
    economy and finances rather than letting it keep happeniing. In more than one case they knew this was going to happen two or three years in advance
    and why we let it happen I don’t know. It reminds me of an old TV ad of
    two teenage girls near a railroad track and one girl talking about drug addiction while her friend was on the tracks staring right into a headlight of an oncoming train while the other one was busy talking to the cameraman filming her. The point is that we really should monitor things better rather
    than just watch and let it happen when we know it is.

  7. my mistake…maybe not a bad example?

  8. > not let this stuff keep happening

    Actually, “letting it happen” would probably be the better approach, compared to the stifling micro-management of the economy we’ve had for *decades.* Prior to Da Gubmint getting deeply involved with the economy, a “Depression” was a short, sharp shock that was over fairly quickly. But it took the government under FDR to micromanage a Depression into the Great Depression. Since our recent economic woes, which have been ongoing for two or three years, and don’t look like they’re going to end anytime soon, are the direct result of government thinking that Something Must Be Done… perhaps it’d be good to try an actual hands-off approach for a while.

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