Jan 202011

A piece of artwork that didn’t make it into the two-part D-188 articles in APR issues V2N3 and V2N4 (what do you mean you haven’t purchased these?? What are ya, a commie????) depicts a Bell D-188A being serviced at an unprepared hidey-hole in the woods. The idea was that D-188A’s would be scattered around West Germany, ready for the Russkies to storm across the border; the D-188A’s would take off vertically, fly at Mach 2, nuke the bejeebers out of the Red Menace, and then fly home to, presumably, either a radioactive Teutonic ruin, or a bunch of dirndl-wearin’ frauleins makin’ ready with the steins of beer.

Note that the large rubber tires are actually full of jet fuel; a convenient way to haul the stuff around. Also note the single nuke being loaded into the weapons bay… the payload of the D-188A was fairly small, an unfortunate consequence of being a VTOL aircraft (and thus a fuel hog). The likelihood of this basic plan working well is low… as the Brits and the Marines found with the Harrier, jet engines blasting dirt at close range is a magnificent way to throw a whole lot of dirt into the air, where it can be sucked into the jet engines. Bad for the ground, worse for the aircraft.

 Posted by at 10:18 pm

  One Response to “D-188A VTOL Nuke Bomber In The Woods”

  1. the tires full of fuel look like the ones that were used on the FWD “Teracruzer” to move the Mace cruise missile around:

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