Jan 202011

US pastor Terry Jones banned from entering UK

The pastor, who last year planned a Koran-burning protest in the US, had been invited to address right-wing group England Is Ours in Milton Keynes.

The Home Office said Mr Jones could not enter the UK as the government “opposes extremism in all its forms”. … 

“Coming to the UK is a privilege not a right and we are not willing to allow entry to those whose presence is not conducive to the public good.

“The use of exclusion powers is very serious and no decision is taken lightly or as a method of stopping open debate.”

Ummm… yeah. Guess what the BritGov *does* allow…

 Posted by at 5:00 pm

  3 Responses to “Here’s irony, if ya like that sort of thing”

  1. Islamic extremitism at its best.

  2. There’s a reason the British government refused him entry: tradition. The British have a long record of beheading, but burning books has always been against the rules. They’re just being consistent.

  3. Well, to the multiculti crowd, all cultures are worth honoring and preserving except of course Western Civilization which is hopelessly beyond redemption (and British and American culture is the worst of the lot). So, this actually makes perfect sense in their worldview.

    Interestingly though, it seems that none of these multiculti types (most of which reside in either the media or academia) actually wants to move to the home turf of these other wonderfully vibrant and praiseworthy cultures. I mean, do you think that Paul Krugman, Thomas Friedman, or Michael Moore are ever going to move to Islamabad, Laredo, or Beijing?

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