Jan 102011

So earlier today I wrote

I fully expect to see some interesting new laws being pushed in the next few weeks… gun control laws and speech restrictions (such as the Orwellianly-named “fairness doctrine”) specifically.

My prediction came true, but far faster than I suggested:

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill

McCarthy’s spokesman confirmed the legislation will target the high-capacity ammunition clips the Arizona gunman allegedly used in the shooting, but neither he or the congresswoman offered any further details.

But wait! There’s MOAR!!!

Pennsylvania Rep. Robert Brady, a Democrat from Philadelphia, told CNN that he also plans to take legislative action. He will introduce a bill that would make it a crime for anyone to use language or symbols that could be seen as threatening or violent against a federal official, including a member of Congress.

Because federal officials are more important than Little People.

Damnit, I just hit the gun show yesterday, and didn’t snap up the high-cap magazines. In retrospect, I probably coulda made my fortune if I’d known that the actions of a schizoid flag-burning communist Truther would lead to the usual pack of totalitarians in government to try once again to neuter the American people.

 Posted by at 12:32 am

  8 Responses to “My prediction comes true”

  1. hell are they react fast, if one of them [congress] is almost killt.

    the same hype had we in Belgium too
    as the grandsons of the founder of Fleemish extreme right wing party “Vlaams Blok”
    wend on a Killing spree in a major city (one victime was 3 year old child)
    so Belgium Senat and Parliament voted the restrictive gun law in world.
    and wat have that brought them ? NOTHING !
    the following year a schizophrenic walks with knives in a Kindergarden
    stab to death sleeping babys…
    by the way
    stabing is now nummber one cause in homicide in Belgium…

  2. Yeah, because every problem faced by humanity can be fixed by the right legislation, right? If we only had more law, yeah …. that’s the ticket!

  3. The legislation was certainly already written, waiting for an event like this to be exploited.

  4. Why do people need high-capacity ammo clips?

  5. “Huron Says:
    January 10th, 2011 at 5:41 pm

    Why do people need high-capacity ammo clips?”

    I dunno, self defense maybe? Because they want them and this is still America?

    To focus on the high-cap magazine is to focus on the wrong thing. I daresay that Mr. Loughner would have likely been just as destructive if he had carried several 8 or 10 round magazines. With a little bit of practice you can swap mags in a second or two.

    On the other hand, Jared Loughner was known to be mentally unstable and to have made death threats against people in the community. He had been kicked out of community college and told not to come back until he could get a psychiatrist to sign a statement that he was not a danger to the students or faculty. Sheriff Dupnik (who seems to blame everyone but the shooter or the authorities who knew he was disturbed) *knew* he had made death threats to people in the community. Why was this person walking around? Perhaps because since the 1960’s the left has made it increasing difficult to have truly mentally disturbed people committed to institutions (which is also the reason for the “homeless” population explosion. Most -not all but most- “homeless” people are in fact mentally disturbed or have a substance addiction problem).

    You have two choices. You can retain liberty and accept the fact that tragedies will happen as this is not a perfect (or perfectible) world. Or, you can try to legislate all this away in which case you will discard liberty and you’ll probably have stuff like this happen anyway. After all, Jared Loughner could have just as easily taken dad’s car and plowed through a crowd and killed just as many people.

  6. > Why do people need high-capacity ammo clips?

    Why do people need more than one book?

  7. >> Why do people need high-capacity ammo clips?

    >Why do people need more than one book?

    Exactly! Do we really want to live in a country where the government gets to decide what we need and don’t need?

    I can go and look at *anybody’s* life and ask them if they need X, and I promise you I’ll find that you have plenty of things that you “want” but don’t in fact “need”. After all, all I “need” to have is a small roof over my head, very few sq feet of living space and food and water that meets minimal requirements. Do I “need” the car I drive? Well, I need some sort of transportation, but I could get by with public transportation or something must more akin to a Yugo than what I drive.

  8. “Why do people need high-capacity ammo clips?”

    Because I want high-capacity magazines and The Man doesn’t ever need to know shit.

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