Jan 042011

… or, it will be legendarily awesome. I’ll bet on the former, sadly.

Real-Life Superhero Walks Streets, Fighting Crime

“From the right, this guy comes dashing in, wearing this skin-tight rubber, black and gold suit, and starts chasing him away,” said Dan. 

What Dan didn’t know is that just about every night, an anonymous Seattle man strolls into a comic store, enters a hidden back room and emerges transformed. “From the right, this guy comes dashing in, wearing this skin-tight rubber, black and gold suit, and starts chasing him away,” said Dan.  

What Dan didn’t know is that just about every night, an anonymous Seattle man strolls into a comic store, enters a hidden back room and emerges transformed.

Be sure to watch the video.
 Posted by at 12:44 pm

  4 Responses to “Will not end well…”

  1. He needs:
    A.) A green wetsuit.
    B.) Two big iron bars to use as weapons.
    C.) A terrifying little teenage girl that can cut people into thin-sliced Bologna with her katana….
    …as a mentor
    I _loved_ that movie. 🙂

  2. Even comic books superheroes are being restricted to super-situations. Real life in any city is just too potentially violent for that kind of thing. This will end badly.

  3. He doesn’t have to use a local phone booth sometimes,does he?…(joke)

  4. I can see it now:

    “Halt criminals, leave that helpless-”

    Pop some caps! (insert 9mm discharge sounds here)


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