Dec 212010

1) Just passed 120 pages in issue V3N1. The NEXUS article is kinda… fat. A whole lot has been left out… mention is made of the “Helios” designs that were produced alongside the NEXUS, but since they weren’t actual NEXUS designs… out they’ve come. Maybe to appear on their own later.

2) The ability to buy subscriptions to APR should be completely removed from the website. Now if you want an issue… buy that issue. Those who have existing subscriptions to APR will continue to recieve their issues until their subscriptions run out.

3) Last night I incorporated the charts showing the schedule for manned exploration of the solar system into the NEXUS article. From the viewpoint of Convair in 1962, the future held three possibilities… the “conservative” model, the “intermediate” model and the “ambitious” model. Looking at just the “conservative” model… is seriously depressing in light of how history turned out.

 Posted by at 12:27 pm

  One Response to “APR updates”

  1. There are several of those “potential missions” charts from that era. I can’t look at them any more.

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