Nov 232010

Came on kinda sudden-like.

 Posted by at 12:31 am

  One Response to “I think summer’s over”

  1. We think it’s over up here also, as tonight (Tuesday) the first big snowstorm is going to hit around a month or so ahead of schedule, and like the last two years that dumped so much snow on us that when it melted in spring it nearly flooded the town and nearly collapsed Jamestown Dam, it will be a harbinger of things to come before spring.
    The Weather Service has reassured us that we can only expect winter snowfall like this for around the next decade or so.
    If nothing else, the climate change has been been extremely advantageous for our farmers; severe summer thunderstorms with hail have been greatly reduced on average, and the vast amount of winter snowfall has assured that all the soil in the fields is very moist at the beginning of the growing season. In some cases so moist that the tractors can’t navigate through the mud for a week or so after they would be normally planting the spring wheat.
    Global Warming has an upside and a downside, no matter the fundamental cause, and depending on where you live.
    I guess it’s a matter of getting used to it, and using it to your advantage as things change.
    Trotsky’s concept of “permanent revolution” extrapolated to the world’s climate.
    Or, as Lenin said: “We must always dare to be as radical as reality itself!”. 😉

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