Nov 222010

 Posted by at 10:14 pm

  4 Responses to “Prepare To Go “Aww,” Humans!”

  1. It’s like “Romeo and Juliet” isn’t it?
    If Romeo was on heroin.
    We’ve seen this sort of true romance before… last time it was out in Washington state, and their names were “Kurt” and “Courtney”.
    You keep guns away from him, and make sure she knows how to put her lipstick on competently. 😉

  2. All joking aside, I’ve never seen two cats so affectionate towards each other that they embrace while sleeping together.
    This is _really_ odd; like something out of mythology where male and female human lovers were transformed into cats by some sort of curse.

  3. Completely cute ad awesome.

  4. Aww – I said it!

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