Nov 152010

A few years back I got copies of some of the “blueprints” used to build wind tunnel models of the Convair NX-2 nuclear-powered bomber. Someday I’ll do something with them. But for now, here’s a photo of one of those models, in a NASA-Langley wind tunnel circa 1960:

 Posted by at 4:51 pm

  9 Responses to “Convair NX-2 Wind Tunnel Model”

  1. I am glad to see things like this. Maybe someday we’ll have nuclear aircraft flying on Mars and Titan. I think I once saw a drawing of a proposed nuclear drone that would explore the atmosphere of Jupiter.

    This post could also be filed under “awesomeness”!

  2. Speaking of wind tunnels, have you seen a movie called “The Box”? It is at best a middling drama/thriller, but the scenery it spectacular.


  3. > proposed nuclear drone that would explore the atmosphere of Jupiter.

    There was a NIAC-funded study of such a thing about ten-ish years ago.

    There’ve been a lot of movies called “The Box.”

  4. Whatever else it looks like, the word “fast” doesn’t immediately come to mind, does it?
    I guess the concept was to replace “Chrome Dome” with squadrons of these hanging out near the North Pole 24/7/365 like B-52s without the need and trouble of refueling costs.
    If you automated them enough, then a pretty small aircrew could let them stay aloft for weeks at a time…in their lead-lined pressure suits and sleeping bags. 😉

  5. Wow .I found a group of nuts like me that still believe in nuclear powered aircraft.

  6. Screw that noise, I want Jamestown College to have its own nuclear reactor:
    Creating tomorrow’s college students today:

  7. Nuclear powered aircraft are indeed stupid. You going to volunteer to clean the stuff up when the first one crashes (and please, don’t make me laugh by claiming they’d never crash)?

  8. Nuclear powered aircraft are also no longer on the drawing board, so they are pointless to argue about. Unless something unlikely like cold fusion or the halfnium isomer idea come about, which would result in non-radioactive “reactors,” there will not be such a thing as a nuclear aircraft. The advantages over conventionally fueled are far too few to merit the bother.

    Nuclear powered ships, cities and rockets are of course other matters entirely and should be pursued with all due haste.

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