Nov 142010

… have this pre-loaded onto your laptop. When you get out of prison, let us all know how it went.

 Posted by at 1:06 pm

  7 Responses to “Next time you go to the airport…”

  1. Ihave a friend whose nephew downloaded something on to his cellphone
    that went “This is Allah…Answer the phone…It’s going to blow up.”
    Imagine that one.

  2. Reminds me of a scene from “One Foot in the Grave” where the main character got into a bit of trouble at the airport when one of the employees there asked him how he was doing and he replied: “Fine, thanks, except for the crack in my ass.”

    And an incident in my own life where I was flying to Florida in the fall of 2002. My uncle was driving me to the airport and I got joking around about things that I could say to the employees at the airport…he slowed the van a bit, turned to me and said very sternly to my young teenage self: “Do. Not. Fuck. With. Airport. Security.”

  3. A long time ago on a TV show the good guys wanted to slow a bad guy at the airport. The good guy put a transparent sticker on the lid of the bad guy’s laptop. On an X-ray, the sticker showed the silhouette of a pistol. I’ve always wished I could find a source for those stickers.

  4. Something I thought of long ago: build a 3-D CAD model of a small pistol, including ammo. Slice the model into hundreds of slices, as is done for 3D stereolithography. Print those slices out onto paper, using lead-based paint. Compile into a book.

    Now, if you are *really* good, you’ll work up a printer that prints in both lead-based and regular ink, so if someone flips through the book all they see is white pages with dense black text. Print letters and fractions of letters in one ink or the other. So on X-Ray, from any angle it looks like a pistol in a book. When they go digging, all it is is a book.

    *Probably* illegal. And thus not advised except as a thought experiment.

  5. Scott, you now owe me the replacement of the keyboard I just spat coffee onto upon seeing the Arabic clock! I’ll take it out in trade, though: one free issue of APR.

  6. Can anyone translate the text?

  7. I read somewhere that the text is sorta gibberish in Arabic. Might as well be… as with Chinese characters used as tatoos by dumbass white hipsters, the point isn’t to be *accurate,* but to put on a good show. Back to “perception” being important to reality, a concept that seems to confuse some.

    If the Arabic script actually read “countdown to donation of one million Euros to the March of Dimes,” it wouldn’t make any difference to someone who might actually get freaked out by this… like a TSA drone.

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