Nov 022010

 Posted by at 7:35 am

  6 Responses to “Herp Derp”

  1. I always knew you were the biggest /b/tard

  2. Some anthropologist is going to read that a hundred years from now and be confused, but at the moment Swan Derp by Derpkovsky is pretty funny.


  3. Apparently, not only are future anthropologists going to be baffled by this, but me also.
    Near as I can figure, this blog crew reads some particular blog that I’ve never heard of, much less read.
    But that’s of no importance whatsoever, because tonight’s election returns auger evil for the “Zionist Entity”:
    Where shall “God’s Chosen People*” go without a “Pro-Semitic” representing them in the Senate?
    I’ll bet the Nazi bastard has a shortwave radio in the attic where he receives coded messages from Tehran from.

    * You would have thought that that would have been Christians rather than the crew that nailed His son to a stick, but as anyone who has actually read the Old Testament knows, sometimes God goes a little funny in the know…”funny”… and does some really silly things. 😀

  4. Well, all I can say is that it’s like the review of Mark Twain’s “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” in its French translation.
    “It’s funny… but not so funny that one would actually laugh at it.”
    To me, the whole thing seems simultaneously both pathetic and baffling. 🙂

  5. BTW, he had a lot of fun with that regarding translations of things:

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