Oct 182010

So there I was this evening, loading up my car. I was of course doing this in the garage, which accesses the house through a standard doorway. A simple screen door (armored with steel mesh to keep Fingers from clawing her way through it) was all that separated the garage from the next room. And the whole time I was loading the car… the cats sat at the door and stared at me. Fingers looked a little puzzled, but Raedthinn looked downright spooked. Of the cats, he’s the only one who has done the long-road-trip thing before, and I think he recognized the signs.

He doesn’t like long road trips. Previous trips he spent the entire time hiding in the litter box. I quickly learned that it’s best to have multiple litter boxes, to give the others someplace to do their business.

 Posted by at 10:45 pm

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