Oct 142010

Adopt, adapt and improve…

So, the whole “paper” thing didn’t seem to work out. So, I’ll try again, this time with electronic versions. I’m releasing the Pluto set, the BWB collection and the SeaMistress set in electronic formats. Here you’ll get a ZIP file containing both full-rez (300 dpi of the D-size drawings) GIF images in grayscale, and PDF versions of the vector format CAD drawings, with no  restrictions built into the file. If you have the software for it you can extract the vector images from the PDF files. These are my own copywritten drawings, and they’re friggen’ awesome.

They are available for purchase for download at the top of this page:


 Posted by at 2:39 pm

  2 Responses to “CAD Prints: now in GIF/PDF form”

  1. Speaking of paper, have you ever given any thought to designing card models using your CAD files?

  2. Friggin’ awesome!

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