Oct 132010

Published in 1962, this is a Douglas concept for a VTOL military or passenger transport… a twin-rotor helicopter with a  pusher prop. Somewhat similar in concept to the slightly earlier Kamov Ka-22 and the slightly later Mil V-12, this design was more aerodynamically refined, and looks a whole lot like a Douglas B-42 or early DC-8 configuration… just with rotors on the wingtips and a bloated fuselage.

No further info, sadly.

 Posted by at 12:21 am

  3 Responses to “The Fat VTOL Mixmaster”

  1. I think one problem with a design like that is just how wide of a landing area you would need to make sure the rotor tips didn’t hit anything. It would be awfully hard to judge where their tips were by looking out from the cockpit.

  2. You know, looking at the drawing of it again, it’s not all that big, is it? I was expecting something around Mil V-12 size, cut this looks more like a CH-46 Sea Knight as far as capacity goes.

  3. These drawing was also shown in
    Air Progress-Spring 1962 with the
    mention – Presented trough the
    courtesy of “Douglas Progress””

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