Oct 112010

A glide flight, but an important step on the (very slow) way to commercial suborbital tourism:


 Posted by at 10:04 am

  3 Responses to “SpaceShip 2: First Flight”

  1. Yeah, it’s but bare a brief hop up to “space” and then a quick fall back. And it costs $200K+ apiece. So, only the uber rich with uber money to burn can afford it.



    Well damn, if the future doesn’t look brighter all the time!

    And from the looks of it, I guess the guys down at the National Air & Space Museum had best start working now on making more space for _YET_ _ANOTHER_ Burt Rutan creation to park in the Museum’s lobby. The guy already has _TWO_ of his designs there!


  2. Well… Dick Rutan said they sent the Voyager there because they
    didn’t want to fix the 100’s of problems with it !

    I’ve worked on projects like that !
    (Scott remembers the MER)


  3. Yeah, it’s a start, the same way barnstorming was a start right after WW1 — but at different percentage of annual income. Anything is good.

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