Oct 092010

Palestinian boy run over by Jewish settler in East Jerusalem

Tensions are running high in East Jerusalem after a young Palestinian boy was hit by a car thought to be driven by an Israeli.

Video footage showed the car colliding with the boys, hitting one boy on the side and another full on with the front of car, flinging him into the air.

Just on that description, it sounds kinda tragic. But watch the video. It’s not a case of some jackhole running down innocent children, or even of someone negligently hitting kids… it’s a case of a lot of kids acting like criminals and actively *trying* to get hit by the car. The car swerves all over everywhere to avoid a collision. And since the car is surrounded by criminals who are showing every sign of wanting to kill the driver *before* the “accident” takes place, it’s hardly surprising that the driver didn’t stop.

Note also the rather large number of cameras that are on scene and rolling when this takes place. The “Palestinians” were actively seeking an incident like this. That they are willing to use their own children in the manner is rather apalling.

There is an obvious response to this.


 Posted by at 11:08 am

  5 Responses to “Staged Rage”

  1. Darwin in action.

    We’re seeing that in my town. Kids — teenagers, mostly — will wait until the light turns red for them, and walk into the moving traffic. They will just stand in front of the cars, looking surly or threatening, and move away just as the light is about to change to red. So it’s not just Palestinians.

  2. No, Mike, it is Mohamed Da Child Molester in action, plain and simple. This is not tragic, nor uncommon, in the least. Typical anti-human horseshit from the religion of pieces, child sodomy, and death.

  3. And yes, read Leon Uris’ The Haj. It is a good primer on what has been happening in the ME for the last 70 years.

  4. Smart tactics on the part of the Palestinians. Most people will just read the headlines, less will read the full story, and even less will watch the video.

  5. And nobody will notice all those sweet, innocent palestinians marching in support of Hamas, a terrorist group whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel. And less than nobody will make the connection between this support for Hamas and the reason those peace settlements seem to keep stalling and falling through.

    Gotta love the information battlespace. So much easier to attack than defend.

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