Oct 082010

And so it came to pass…

Remember this post from a month and a half ago, where I discussed what to do if you found a GPS tracker on your car? Seems someone finally got the opportunity to put that into practice.

Caught Spying on Student, FBI Demands GPS Tracker Back

Short form: FBI spies on a 20-year old college student, sticks a GPS tracker on his car. he finds it, removes it, posts photos online, and hey presto, half a dozen FBI agents show up at his apartment and demand it back.

For the moment, photos of the device are online HERE. I’ve included one such photo below. The thing that really surprises me is just how *huge* it is. One of the comments at that site:

It’s a Guardian ST820. It’s a GPS tracking unit made by the company Cobham, the product line is called Orion. The redditor who said that the battery and magnetic unit is hand made is wrong, you’ve got the standard kit, it is sold like that by Cobham. Sales is restricted to army and law enforcement.

 Posted by at 9:49 am

  5 Responses to “Real Life Mirrors My Blog”

  1. Oh great, it’s what seems to be a genuinely innocent kid who may or may not be of Islamist parentage (note I did not say Muslim) depending on what exactly this “Islamic-American community leader” was doing in his spare time. The Left is going to have a field day.

  2. Good grief! They actually manage to hide these things on vehicles?

  3. College kids talk too much. If he’d just quietly put it on someone’s boat there’d be no outcry. Maybe they’re right and we are becoming too narcissistic (because of Facebook, according to Psychology Today) and in the process losing our sense of humor.

  4. Apparently not very well.

  5. I always pictured something like that being a lot smaller.
    What’s it run on? Four “D” batteries? It looks like they stuck a lightsaber in his car, so that they could track him back to the rebel base. 😀

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