Sep 222010

As is obvious, I like cats. But… damn.

 Posted by at 9:51 am

  10 Responses to “Crazy Cat Guy”

  1. Really? REALLY? Wow.

    Can you say toxoplasmosis much?

    Also, never forget the original crazy Russian cat lady:

  2. The Russian lady…the cat version of “Willard” or “Ben”.

  3. The Russian lady…the cat version of “Willard” or “Ben”.

  4. The Russian lady…the cat version of “Willard” or “Ben”.

  5. Sorry about the repeats….Wordpress usually catches it.

  6. WordPress is acting funny.


  7. That looks like something Bubbles would come up with on “Trailer Park Boys”.
    …and it’s much better than the recently found “Kitty Penitentiary”:

  8. BTW, Bubbles and his Rocket Team:
    Close examination will reveal that he’s wearing the mission patches for Liberty Bell 7, Faith 7, and Apollo 13…you can imagine how well the rocket program is going to work. 😀

  9. Animal Planet recently had a good serires on animal hoarders. Several were pepole living in trailers or house with anywhere from 16-100+ with cats or dogs. My grandmother has this problem. First it was with Lhasa Apaso’s I think she had well over 100 for a long time, now its cats with more being dropped off at her property in the middle of nowhere Texas

  10. We had 12 cats living in the one-bedroom apartment downstairs at one time, but that led the landlords to ban all pets from the building, as the whole apartment was covered with cat urine and feces.
    Strangest pet ever in the building was the African drum-playing Bamba Ding’s pet iguana. It also trashed the place with lizard excrement.

    “The lizard of Bamba Ding mon, the lizard of Bamba Ding.
    Bamba Ding had a lizard;
    It was emerald green.
    Bamba Ding had a lizard;
    It was quite obscene.
    Lizard crap down in the carpets, lizard piss up on the walls.
    Stinking iguana lizard crawling up and down the halls.
    Bamba Ding did not care, he just played his drums.
    Strange Bamba Ding, no one knew where he was from.
    The Lizard of Bamba Ding mon, the lizard of Bamba Ding.
    Bamba Ding moved away, no one knows where he went to.
    But when the landlords saw the place, into a rage they flew.
    Shampoo up that filthy carpet, hose down that dirty wall.
    No more lizards in the apartments, no more lizards at all.”

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