Aug 242010

Beat Whitey Night at the Iowa State Fair

This will not end well.

 Posted by at 11:05 am

  5 Responses to “Yeah, about that “post racial” thing…”

  1. As I recall, “Kick a Ginger Day” resulted in massive outcries from education professionals, social workers, and even reporters.

  2. And I thought Iowa was a decent place to live.

  3. 2Michael – “Kick a Ginger Day” is a form of discrimination that doesn’t jar the Left’s utopian vision.

  4. Remember kids!

    If you live in a state that allows conceal carry then CARRY YOUR DAMN GUNS.

    Dangerous people can and do turn up anywhere.

  5. Maybe next year we’ll have to let someone display a butter statue of Michael Jackson.

    Bruce: By conparison, Iowa is a decent place to live, but I can’t claim it is not getting worse. I mean, we’re the guys who gave the nation Obama. It made our bleeders feel hip.

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