Aug 232010

I’m looking for a copy of this magazine. In good shape, not bound. Actually… I’m looking for some good *scans* from this particular issue. So if you have a copy of this magazine in good shape (with the article “Journey to the Stars” complete) and would be willing to scan, rent, sell or loan the issue, please let me know.

 Posted by at 2:37 pm

  3 Responses to ““Science Digest,” May, 1983”

  1. If you are looking for the Bussard article on starship propulsion from that issue with all the cool graphs of different starship propulsion methods, there’s a PDF of it here:

  2. Rick Sternbach’s Bussard Ramjet painting from the article is here:
    Here’s his Enzman starship refueling at a gas giant’s icy moons:
    And his Forward laser light sail:

  3. Enzmann Starship blog:

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