Aug 192010

Is it just me, or is this another case of journalism gone goofy?

DA: Paper terrorists stealing homes

Short form: some “sovereign citizens” are squatting in some bank-owned homes, claiming that state and federal laws do not apply to them. The FFBI, of course, begs to differ and is busily arresting them. So far, so clear. But where it gets a bit confuzzling for me is when the reporter dealves into history:

The FBI says the national movement has been around for decades and has ties to the Nuwaubians, a black supremacist group that started near Augusta. Nationally, sovereign citizens, which originated as a white supremacist group…

Umm… what?

 Posted by at 1:34 pm

  2 Responses to “Color Me Confused”


    My guess is that the report is accurate, based on what this group has done in the past. The Mongolian Nazis would understand them.

  2. Actually, the report makes sense; there was indeed a movement to split America into a all-black nation and a all-white nation a couple of decades back or so that both sides thought was a great concept and actually cooperated on.
    There was also a plan to make a all-Jewish nation inside America, but no agreement could be reached as to whether it should have its capital in New York City, Miami, or Beverly Hills.
    Both the white and black separatists thought it should be somewhre in Israel, preferably at the bottom of the Dead Sea. 😉

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