Aug 192010

Yeah, it’s old, but it’s a goodie: The Old Negro Space Program

If you haven’t seen this, give it a watch… just do it somewehre where you won’t get in trouble for laughing out loud. 

NASSA: Negro American Space Society of Astronauts

 Posted by at 10:06 am

  11 Responses to “NASSA”

  1. Yeah, that is a little gem…particularly for those that are sick of dealing with PBS Ken Burns series.

  2. … if you will…

  3. I’ve known some persons who would take this as truth.

  4. Darned white people for covering up that part of history like that….J/K of
    course. The video was rather funny though.

  5. Speaking about covering up history, yesterday Glenn Beck started on his personal crusade to uncover historical revision in regards to Native Americans…I kid you not, he’s presently trying to sell the Mormon concept that they are the ten lost tribes of Israel.
    He’s basing this on the Mound Builders and similarities to measurements of the Egyptian pyramids…and let’s not forget the little box that had ancient Hebrew writing found inside of it:
    (it’s all in part 3)

  6. > he’s presently trying to sell the Mormon concept that they are the ten lost tribes of Israel.

    I get a kick out of Beck when he sticks to politics. But when he gets onto the topic of religion, he goes off the deep end into whackoland.

  7. He and Murdoch have figured out something – the crazier he gets, the more people tune in to see just what looniness he’s going to do today…more viewers equal higher advertising prices on Fox News, and the more money goes into Murdoch’s coffers.
    Heck, as a liberal bordering on a socialist, I’m certainly not Glenn Beck’s target audience…

    …or am I?

    I have to admit I watch his show around 1-2 times a week for the laugh value, and that makes me part of his Nielsen Ratings also. In fact, it would be fun to figure out what proportion of his audience are liberals doing the exact same thing, or tuning in for their 1984 style “Sixty Minutes Of Hate” against the Evil Beck Monster.
    On the other hand, this is exactly the sort of friend that the Republican Party (or Tea Party, for that matter) _doesn’t_ need, as it will make them look like a pack of crazies…if that makes a buck, of course. 😉
    Same goes for Huffington Post -; if it will up viewership of the website it will up profits; which means it meets the high journalistic standards of the place.
    Let’s see what the Huffington Post is in a tizzy about tonight:
    “Ground Zero Strippers Weigh In On Proposed Neighbor”
    Now, where did _that_ story come from?
    You’d be surprised… or would you?:

  8. Speaking of everyone’s favorite Lisa Douglas (Green Acres) impersonator, the rich little Greek jet-setter with the gay ex-husband’s giant alimony settlement is quite a piece of work – at one time supporting John McCain before he let her down, and then ditching him for The Blackbird…who has now also let her down:
    Have we ever run into someone like this before in Greek history?
    Yes, I think we have – if not in a visual sense, than at least in a moral sense:
    “Yes, just go up that hidden path, and you can come right down from above and behind them…can I have my gold now?”
    Makes one wish for a really deep circular pit in the vicinity, doesn’t it? 😉
    Anyway, it’s now time to join the crew of the C-57D on TCM as they eyeball just how short Altaira’s miniskirt is.

  9. The look of the technology on that movie is a damn-near perfect realization of cover art on sci-fi magazines of the time.
    Everything has cooling fins on it and is streamlined; even if it only moves a ten mph or stands still – it’s a Art Moderne world gone mad.
    I love it.
    … and for God’s sake woman, put on some real clothes and stop running around in stuff that makes 1950’s lingerie look modest.
    I don’t even want to get into if your dad thinks that’s a appropriate way for his daughter to dress, or worse yet, WHY he would think that’s an appropriate way for his daughter to dress.
    Oh God… now she’s swimming around naked.
    This _really_ is the cover of a sci-fi magazine from that time period, isn’t it? 😀

  10. “I get a kick out of Beck when he sticks to politics. But when he gets onto the topic of religion, he goes off the deep end into whackoland.”

    Ditto. And he’s been heading off into whackoland more and more lately. It’s really disappointing, since he was doing so much good when he stuck to politics, individual liberty and capitalism. Now he’s just going to get written off as a religious nutso.

  11. Why exactly did the colonists on Altair IV think it was good idea to bring a tiger along? Were they concerned that life there would be so boring that the constant threat of being eaten would liven things up a bit, and help cull their population via “nature red in tooth and claw” eugenics?
    If there are seas on Altair IV, I’ll bet they put great white sharks in them. 😀

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