Aug 022010

The Arizona law allowing Arizona cops to enforce federal immigration laws has spurred a whole lot of anger among the Reconquista crowd, their Leftist fellow travellers and other useful idiots. It seems to have re-awakened their love of behaving like drunken hippies, a feeling they seem to have lost in recent years. So take a look at the video below and revel in the glory of people who think that flag desecration and using bullhorns to try to drown out other speakers are some sort of cutting-edge briliant political theater.

Now, keep in mind, I oppose laws banning flag desecration. So long as you own the flag, you have the right to do with it whatever the hell you want. Nobody, and that means nobody, has the right to not be offended. But just because you have the legal right to do something doesn’t mean that that something is a smart thing to do. If the debate is over criminals who are in this country illegally, and you want people to let them stay… desecrating the US flag is not the politically smart move. It does a dandy job of linking “illegal alien” with “hatred of the United States.”

For those not in the US, imagine if Americans swarmed into your country, started glomming onto your nationalized health care systems and then started burnign your nations flag and demanding in court that y’all should serve more Budweiser and McDonalds and less of that “overcooked animal organs in grease” or whatever your national dish is. I suspect your natural fondness for Americans and our wacky hijinks would fade somewhat.

 Posted by at 9:23 pm

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