Aug 012010

Almost there. All that’s left is to build the rocket pods that hang off the side, and do some tweaks here and there… should be just a day or three.

I’d love to print one of these suckers off at 1/35 scale (or, better, 1/18) and use that as a master to fabricate parts in fiberglass and carbon fiber, and the let someone skilled in RC aircraft have a go. Anyone want to fund a project?


Some of the podded weapons are greatly simplified, since they’ll need to be molded and cast. At small scales, that sort of thing requires some compromises.


 Posted by at 7:08 pm

  3 Responses to “So close…”

  1. That is one king helluva model!!! I really hate to ask the # of hours. There’s a guy on Facebook wanting to build an R/C version, I’ll forward this to him.

    I think Allen got his money’s worth out of this one.

    What did you use for reference?

  2. > I really hate to ask the # of hours.

    And I’d hate to answer. I *really* misunderestimated. This was due in part to having very limited references when I started… some screencaps from the movie and of the computer-rendered “I-tag” toy. With limited references I was going to produce a limited-resolution model. But after the project began, more references became available (not publicly), and I started incorporating. Oy.

  3. Sorry…. I was only trying to help!

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