Jul 212010

Always coming up with new ways to annoy Raedthinn…


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 Posted by at 11:25 pm

  6 Responses to “Fingers At Attention”

  1. and has she intercepts some flying bugs ?

  2. A stick, in this case.

  3. Security Mesh on the windows? Is that to keep things in or out?

  4. It’s to keep the cats in. This first came about a few years ago when Raedthinn thought it’d be great fun to bang on the window screen. Given that it’s cheap fiberglass screen and he’s a 20-pound cat, I thought it best to do something about it.

  5. “Attica! Attica!”

  6. We had to do the same thing.

    My one-eyed Mona cat is an escape artist, and had the new screen torn out of the front door in nothing flat.

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