Jul 152010


From next week, shoppers in Rochdale who push open the cubicle door expecting the reassuring sight of a modern, clean lavatory could instead be faced with little more than a hole in the ground.

Bosses of the Greater Manchester town’s Exchange mall have installed two as part of an upgrade costing several thousand pounds after attending a cultural awareness course run by a local Muslim community activist.

 Yeah, yeah, it’s rivate property so the business owners can do what they like. Still, this seems vaguely disconcerting.

 Posted by at 9:06 am

  7 Responses to “Down the crapper”

  1. The first time I saw one of these “bombsights” was in Saudi Arabia. It was in the middle of a concrete floor and the only other adornment in the room was a dirty pink hose screwed onto a water tap coming out of the wall.
    I was a 21 year-old kid from a small town in PA. We either went indoors on a toilet like civilized people or out in the woods “civility” was optional. I was so freaked out by the sight that I went (#1) in the desert.

  2. That Muslim community activist should attend a British cultural awareness event.

  3. I left a comment on the website. Seems to me that Mr. Ghulam Rasul Shahzad is going down in history as the chap who forced a shopping mall to install toilets from another country. That note should be added to his OBE citation.

    A question: are there “handicapped” squat toilets? Do they have a handhold only on the right side, or do British laws require a handhold on the left, also?

  4. I am pretty sure US health codes won’t allow this. Not that I’d put to past anyone to try.

    How is it considered culturally insensitive to expect people to relive themselves in the proper receptacle?

  5. “How is it considered culturally insensitive to expect people to relive themselves in the proper receptacle?”

    Because they can get away with it.

  6. Don’t knock it; I ran into the squat-over-the-hole type of toilets in the Hermitage in Leningrad back in 1978, and it certainly does take getting used to…the upside is that the people that use this method of defecating have almost no incidence of hemorrhoids, as the squatting keeps their muscles in tone in their upper legs and buttocks.

  7. Firstly- as an Asian Muslim and civil engineer- squat pans are intended only for peasants, urban morons and the Chinese who all lack rudimentary grooming habits expected of marginally civilised humans.
    Middle-class & up all use/own Western facilities as they abhor anything regressive/can be possibly likened to peasant-esque or the worse: Chinese.
    Squat-pans; aka the “Chinky-crapper” or “Chinese frypan”, in most Austronesian langauges; is coined for Chinese infamy for horrible hygiene. If you require a vomit but lack Ipecac- visit restrooms of any Chinese takeout or look/listen at their kitchens for woofing or meowing.
    Chinese also use wash-basins as a public handkerchief/sputum mug.
    Now you’re truthfully forewarned & informed about Asian travel.
    Squat pans are quite common in Japan, but more where large Chinese populations- Shanghai, Hong Kong & Singapore- notably the new Changi Airport. And Jakarta, Bangkok, Vietnam & Yangon.
    Chinky-toilet so common why?
    It lacks moving parts unlike Western cistern toilets (float, ballcock etc) and thus useful where maintenance & public sewer utilities are rudimentary.
    Flushing & anal ablution accomplished via (usually LH) water-hose squirt-attachment. Squatpan, floor & walls in (Asia, typhus, diarrhea, dysentery & cholera are serious & endemic here)- effluent travels to the- rudimentary public sewer processing- localised septic tank(s) (very common throughout Asia). These are rapidly overloaded by flushed toilet-paper, wet-wipes &/or sanitary napkins- causing dangerous & undesirable (public health) raw effluent overflow.
    Thus squatpans are simple enough for peasant and Chinese alike to master.
    As per “Pan-chester” UK- no surprise that Northen England-istan cater for these economic immigrants: the over (in)breeding Pakistani/Indian peasants/professional goat-herders and dungsmiths who’ve succesfully defrauded Immigration for the peasant fantasy life of lifelong total welfare & income tax evasion (cash-only small businesses employing only family-members).
    In Austronesian Asia- these Pakistani/Indian are near as infamously dirty as a Chinese- hence they’re all smelly.
    As per alleged pan-Asian or Muslim brotherhood? Absolutely NO- these do not exist.
    We native Asian Royalty loathe social inferiors- especially lowest social-ladder rung: peasants, Chinese & Indians/Pakistanis.

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