Aug 042008

Anyone who has ever driven across Wyoming knows that the wind there can blow like mad. Fortunately, wind turbines dot the Wyoming landscape.




It’s hard to judge scale from these photos. However, a few trucks on the road give an indication that these aren’t exactly backyard wind turbines, but some seriously badass power generators.



Now all Wyoming needs is a few gigawatt-class nuclear powerplants (preferably breeder reactors), and it’ll be on the way to wiping out the usefulness of Hugo Chavez and the Wahabbis.

 Posted by at 1:00 am

  2 Responses to “Wyoming wind power”

  1. We’re seeing the occasional unit train of windmills going through Washington; them suckers ‘r BIG. And they’re only about 2 MW; 7 MW monsters are being developed which require modular concrete towers because steel tubes may be impractical to ship. I wonder what the upper practical limit is?

    Only been in Wyoming once; it was impressive. Of course I visited a Certain Mesa made famous in a Certain Movie.

  2. Well, screw Wyoming- North Dakota is the windiest state in the whole group of fifty of them… and we could stick up around a million or two (no kidding) windmills around here.

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