Boy Chases Away Man Who Shot His Dad with Kitchen Knife
How do you shoot someone with a kitchen knife?
A Broward dad is lucky to be alive after he was shot during a botched robbery attempt. And he has his 9-year-old son to thank for it.
The dad has his son to thank for the robbery?
The 9-year-old got a kitchen knife in attempt to ward off the gunman, who fled the scene.
Now, look, I try to avoid the whole Grammar Nazi thing (in no small part due to the fact that as a typist I suck, with the consequence that I have a lot of mis-sleppings), but sometimes you gotta kinda wonder if journalists and their editors really have a good grasp of the English language.
7 Responses to “When journalism-grammar goes bad”
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I’ve noticed the same thing; it’s like everyone is in such a hurry to write a story and disseminate it that they don’t even bother to proofread what they just wrote before sending it on its way; as even a minute’s delay would be unacceptable.
In the age pf spell check the man who can type a single coherent sentence is, indeed, king. Too bad no newspapers or broadcast/cable news shows can find that person.
And Scott? Go all grammar NAZI on their over educated a$$es. They won’t understand a single word you type, because they are “journalists”. Now, if you want them to get it you have to fill it with misspelled words, incorrect punctuation, and jumbled up sentence structure. Then they will get it.
@2hotel9 – Dude, you spelled “of” wrong.
@all – one of my professors told me that the average foreign Chinese applicant to the graduate program gets about 500/800 on their English GRE scores, whereas some of the domestic applicants get about 300/800. We’re talking the masters program in aerospace engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign here, which is one of the best engineering schools in the country. And no, I won’t tell you what my score was, except to say that it was significantly better than any number mentioned here.
> the average foreign Chinese applicant to the graduate program gets about 500/800 on their English GRE scores
If only the Chinese *professors* did as well. I had an orbital mechanics prof who could be barely understood. He was a freakin’ bad stereotype when it came to his accept. “Raunch a mission to Pruto” indeed.
Well, remember that this is in writing. No speaking section for the GREs.
In a hardware class I somehow became enamored of the evolution of keyboard design. I concluded after some research that all typing errors are a direct result of bad keyboard design, but only if they are made by IT and engineering types.
I took the GRE before I got into the history program. I found that my scores were much more than enough to get into ANY education program. It seems that a total of 900 for all parts is what they were seeking from candidates for the PhD in education. I laughed when I was told that; I thought the woman was kidding.