Jul 062010

Finally got the fridge repairman out here today. I figured it was a problem with the coolant… he popped off one panel and showed me the real problem:


Part of the motherboard fried itself, likely during a power surge. Well, at least it wasn’t *my* fault…

 Posted by at 12:38 pm

  9 Responses to “Refridgerator + Fire = FAIL”

  1. 1st question you should ask is why does a refrigerator need a “motherboard”? Refrigerators work perfectly fine WITHOUT any form of computer whatsoever. So who is the moronic muthafuka who decided to f**k up refrigerators by putting a totally unneeded f**king computer?

  2. Motherboard?

    Oh, yeah. What he said.

  3. Probably engineered by the same Glorious People’s Semi-capitalist Appliance Parts Enterprise that made my Honeywell central AC board — which ran the heat and AC simultaneously.

  4. Yeah, what they said… motherboard, refrigerator…huh?
    All it needs is some sort of thermal switch to turn the compressor on and off at the correct times, as the internal temperature rises or falls
    That board looks like it might be able to guide a AMRAAM missile.

  5. Trust me, I was a tad surprised when the guy undid the cover plate and revealed electronics, even more so when the smell of burnt electronics got to me, and even yet more so when he popped the board off and showed the scorch marks. My grandfather was in the AC/fridge repair business for many years, (retiring in, I believe, the 1970’s sometime), and I never heard the slightest mention of a need for such control electronics. I would assume that this is needed *not* to run the thing, but to run it at high efficiency.

  6. Why does a ‘fridge need a motherboard? Easy, when THE time comes, all of our little faithful electronic servants will raise up and show us who the boss is!

    My last ‘fridge was old school… nothing but a V8 firing on 7 cylinders in there! The current one is considerably quieter, and doesn’t shake the house like the old one did, but, I’m sure it’s planning against me.

    I feel your pain, Scott!

  7. Ejected the warp core, didn’t it?

    Y’all need a “Monitor Top” fridge. Plenty efficient.

  8. We had one of those, running fine in the late 1970s, to store eggs from our chicken operation. It finally gave up the ghost while I was away in the service. A sad day indeed!

  9. I can empathize with the Sidewinder getting away from the mechanical complexity of a washing machine and the electrical complexity of an alarm clock.

    This? Gee whiz.


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