Jun 162010

Some relatively random photos, taken yesterday and today.

More iridescent clouds:

dsc_2223hue.jpg  dsc_2235hue.jpg  dsc_2245hue.jpg  dsc_2246hue.jpg

Scruffy and Mark. It may seem unlikely, but there was an actual staredown… Scruffy looking nonchalant on the high ground of the deck, Mark squinty-eyed and angry hiding in the grass.

dsc_2397.jpg  dsc_2532.jpg

The sky this AM:

dsc_2389.jpg  dsc_2525.jpg

Between Tremonton and Logan yesterday:

dsc_2208.jpg  dsc_2113.jpg

And part of the storm that went through yesterday:


 Posted by at 7:15 pm

  2 Responses to “Photos”

  1. Someone nuke SLC? Those irridescent clouds look like oil on water, has the BP spill gotten that far???

  2. > Those irridescent clouds look like oil on water

    Same physics involved, sorta.

    > has the BP spill gotten that far???

    Well, yeah, kinda…

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