Jun 092010

You know that ancient bit about women standing screaming on tables in early Sixties sitcoms when a mouse runs through the kitchen? Well, *obviously* those days are over, thanks to Wimmens Lib and whatnot. Right? Womenfolk don’t respond that way to random critters anymore.



UPDATE: Apparently the only thing funnier than Salma Hayek being interviewed for her new movie and then going TOTALLY BUGNUTS INSANE when a snake wanders onto the set (which is outdoors) is “The video has been removed due to copyright violation by Warner Entertainment.”


Trust me, it was hi-larious. Given that she did a dance with a python in “Dusk to Dark,” it seems unlikely that she has a phobia about snakes… but whatever, she went full-bore gonzo.


 Posted by at 4:11 pm

  2 Responses to “Stereotypes can be *hilarious*”

  1. The video has been removed due to copyright violation by Warner Entertainment

  2. Warner Entertainment violated the copyright?

    Oh, well.

    I don’t think the women I know would freak out if there were a mouse or a small snake in the room. They’d get out of the way — especially if it were a snake — and then do something about it.

    … Except maybe for Linda. She’s entirely too girly sometimes….

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