Jun 072010

On Friday, I posted this bit about Helen Thomas being an anti-semetic jackhole. I ended my Pulitzer Award Worthy post with this nugget of genius:

I’m left to wonder if this might cause her to be retired real soon now.

Well, lo and behold:


WASHINGTON, June 7, 2010 – Helen Thomas announced Monday that she is retiring, effective immediately.

Her decision came after her controversial comments about Israel and the Palestinians were captured on videotape and widely disseminated on the Internet.

It’s always entertaining to see a career go down in ignominy… when that career has been that of a scumbag, as has been the case here.

 Posted by at 4:23 pm

  15 Responses to “Can I call ’em, or what?”

  1. I’ll tell you what, because shut up, that’s what.

  2. Ya know, Scott? It is a bad sign when you start smack talking your own bad self, tell you what!

    And yep!!!! You called it. First and earliest place I saw that call was here.

  3. I guess a bridge somewhere needed a troll.


  4. Glad to see the old hag gone.

  5. Yup… she said the wrong thing.
    Now she’s a non-person.
    Freedom of speech works great as long as you never say the wrong thing.
    BTW, her parents were from Lebanon, and I imagine it annoyed her a bit when Israel invaded the place…twice.
    My favorite over-the-top reaction is Israel declaring The Pixies canceling their concert appearance “Cultural Terrorism”: http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5jnuiLTovjxjwSwo415F9qITUTsZA
    We are getting deep into the poisoned grape Kool-Aid phase here, aren’t we?

  6. > she said the wrong thing.

    She advocated genocide.

    > Freedom of speech works great as long as you never say the wrong thing.

    Pray tell, how was her freedom of speech infringed in the slightest? Show your work.

  7. I don’t believe telling Israelis to go back to Germany or Poland can be equated with wanting them dead.
    In fact, the whole Israeli/Jewish ironclad connection is bizarre.
    Certainly not all Jews are Israelis, as Israel is a country, and Judeism is a religon…or ethnic group… depending on who you ask.
    You better not consider Jews to be a “race”, or you know whose concept you would be agreeing with…
    Here’s a case in point; my family is Roman Catholic, yet my father was stationed in Italy during WW II, fighting against Mussolini’s fascists.
    Was he betraying his Roman Catholic ancestory by fighting against Italy?
    Of course not; because he was an Irish-American whose religion happened to be Roman Catholic rather than Protestant.
    The closest he ever got to having Italian roots was when he tried to make heads-or-tails of what the Catholic liturgy in Latin meant.
    In much the same way, all the world’s Jews flocking to Israel because that is the land of their ancestors is completely illogical; the world-wide Judaic religion is made up of far more converts than pure-blood-lined Jews who can trace their ancestry straight back to one of the twelve Biblical tribes from the Old Testament, with no intermarrying in all those thousands of years. For starters, we have the African Ethiopian Jews, whose odd complexion would have no doubt caused comment if they were hanging around in Judea in Biblical times.
    I rather like the concept of “Greater Ireland”… in which good Irish Roman Catholics return to their homeland – Rome – and toss out the filthy Italians who have taken over the place in their absence.
    Although Israel would very much like the concept of Jew=Israeli, a lot of Jews in the world aren’t buying it anymore, as the actions of that nation towards the Palestinians are becoming far-too-reminiscent of how the Nazis treated the Jews.
    Consider, for instance, the concept of “Greater Israel”; the historical area that was Biblical Judea, and how closely that echos the Nazi concept of “Greater Germany”, where the Germanic tribes lived before they were displaced in the creation of Europe.
    Or the need for Israel to increase its living area for its growing population, and how similar that is to the concept of the Nazi “Lebensraum”… land that must be seized for the future of the Germanic race’s expansion.
    Most telling of all, the recent “Lost Jews” advertising campaign on the part of Israel, where it’s stated that every time a Jew marries a non-Jew they have been effectively “lost” to their people and diminished the ethnic group; a less bloodthirsty version of the Nazi race laws where having sex with a Jew could get you sent to concentration camp for polluting the Aryan bloodline.
    Instead of taking the Nazi horrors as a profound warning about how one group of people can abuse another, the more extreme sections of Israeli society seem to have viewed it as a “how-to” manual.
    How many Israelis have been killed by Palestinian terrorists versus how many Palestinians have been killed by Israel in retaliation?
    The old 10-1 ratio for anyone in a occupied country daring to kill a Nazi soldier?
    When you consider this, it’s an absolute tragedy… a country that could, and should, have been the conscience of the whole world ended up doing the same things to others that were done to it, like a child of a dysfunctional family inflicting the same abuse on his children that was inflicted on him when he was young.

  8. Wow, all that blahblah to say,,,,absolutely nothing. Amazing, the lengths that the political left will go to in order to hide their fear of and hatred for Jews, all the while crawling on their knees begging for table scraps from Muslim terrorists. Really sad.

    Helen Thomas has the same right to free speech that everyone else does. She has NO right to a job working in the White House. She should have been kicked out of the WH Press Corps in 1987 when she was spewing her hate filled racist crap against the Christians of Lebanon. Remember? When Christians in Lebanon were defending themselves against non Lebanese Muslims terrorists? Oh, thats right, you leftards support Muslims murdering women and children. My bad!

  9. Hoist on her own petard.

  10. You might want to consider that until around 1973, American Jews were considered to be Communist fifth columnists, not conservatives.
    Henry Ford in particular considered them to be a major threat to America due to their support of labor unions.

  11. American Jews aren’t considered to be conservatives NOW. Nearly all of them voted for Obama.

    As for the conquered territory; it was mostly conquered in wars started by the Arabs, not the Jews. The Jews kept it not for settlement, but because they thought they could trade “land for peace” and because if there were going to be more wars, they’d rather the wars were fought OUTSIDE Israeli territory as opposed to INSIDE. Did they start settling it eventually? Yes. Was that the original plan? No. The original plan was to keep only East Jerusalem and small portions of the Bank and the Strip for security purposes, and eventually give the rest back. The Jews originally planned to be the nicest occupiers the world had ever seen, and it even kinda/sorta worked… for a while. Their main mistake was to think that an occupation, even a benign one, could ever be hunky-dory with the locals, or that they could simply hold onto the land indefinitely without people starting to think that it belonged to them.

    As for your accusations that the Jews are becoming too much like the people they ran from… if only! There is ample historical evidence that when you’ve really stepped into the realm of irredeemable evil, the world starts to leave you alone and play much nicer with you than when they think you’re trying to be nice. After all, NKorea just sank a SKorean warship, killing 46, and what happened in the UN? Nothing. Israel could easily have sunk those ships, but instead they boarded with choppers and killed 9 in self-defense… and the world promptly starts screaming, “OMG, those evil Jews, they’re becoming just like the Nazis!” Maybe if Israel stopped beating around the bush and just took the problem head-on, the world would be so shocked by the subsequent turn of events that they wouldn’t be able to find the words to write another UN censure or EU condemnation.

    As for Gaza specifically when you realize that the reasons for the Gaza blockade started when Israel started uprooting settlements from Gaza, under the premise that when the Gazans had the land back, they might be ready to deal, you realize that getting rid of the settlements may well be pretty pointless in the long run, from the perspective of looking for peace. I’m starting to think that the best long-term solution would be for the Israelis to simply roll over Gaza and the Strip, start settling them all, deal with insurgents as ruthlessly as possible, and absorb the area economically and politically over a generation, until people start thinking that it’s pointless to beat the Jews and they may as well join them. Granted they’d need more Jewish immigrants to pull that one off without screwing up the national demographics (the state wants to remain majority Jewish, and with good historical reason), but considering that any European Jew with an ounce of sense should be making tracks for Israel or the US right now, they may well eventually be able to come up with the requisite numbers.

    Failing that, I must admit I’m partial to Scott’s idea: unilateral withdrawl of the Jews from the occupied territories, a declaration that “You’re your own country now, do as you please!” and when the Palestinians decide to attack Israel, Israel turns the place into rubble and THEN takes it over.

  12. Oh, and a call for the Jews to leave Israel is pretty much the same thing as calling for them to be murdered. Auschwitz aside, the world has displayed enough historical and current animosity towards the Jewish people, and enough reluctance to allow Jewish immigrants into their nations in times of great need, that a state which will allow any Jew into their country and grant them instant citizenship in that country is almost certainly eminently necessary to the survival of the Jewish race. Golda Meir once said that what she wanted for her people was to not need anyone’s sympathy; with Israel they don’t need it, and that’s good because as the Holocaust proved, sympathy doesn’t really do one much good when one’s people is being systematically slaughtered.

  13. I thought what that old baboon-faced b**ch said was hilarious. Total laugh riot. And some of my best friends are Jewish.

  14. > How many Israelis have been killed by Palestinian terrorists versus how many Palestinians have been killed by Israel in retaliation?

    As useless a metric as ever. If someone attacks you with a knife and you defend yourself witha gun and shoot them dead, the ratio is zero to one. If people keep attacking you with knives and you keep successfully defending yourself, eventually there’ll be a hell of a bodycount on one side. Whose fault is that?

  15. > Maybe if Israel stopped beating around the bush and just took the problem head-on

    I still think launching captured Qassam rockets at “activists” trying to run the blockade would be AWESOME.

    Another idea: take the cement that was on the captured boats, cast it into spheres 70 cm in diameter or so. Carry aloft in helicopters. Hover over the next set of blockade runners at a thousand feet. Drop. Hilarity ensues.

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