Apr 222010

V3N2’s “Star Clipper” article is 26 pages and can be downloaded for $4.70.


Something screwy seems to have happened with this post. See HERE for the Paypal ordering link

 Posted by at 3:43 pm

  9 Responses to “Star Clipper”

  1. Trying to buy this one, but the PayPal cart ends up with two copies of the Astrorocket article.

  2. I still think they should have built that rather than the Shuttle; it looks like a workable concept, especially if they had put the linear plug-nozzle engines on it as was planned in a classified study.

  3. I’m having the same problem as George. I want them both.

  4. I’ve a worse problem than George OR DeepBeam!
    “I want them all… I want them all… and I want them now!”

    (Oh no! I’ve become a Queen song! ;o)


  5. Paypal link problem, cart ends up with two copies of the Astrorocket !!!


  6. While there’s something screwy going on, I can’t figure out what. And it appears to be different for different people. When I click on the Paypal link myself, it works correctly. My suggestion, until I get the regular webpage for the articles updated, is to simply order them separately.

  7. Tried that, different browser, different computer. Still get Astrorocket.

  8. Belay that! Just worked. Obviously a TITAN RAIN deal.

  9. I went back into the code and replaced it with all-new text. End result? Now it didn’t work for *me.* GAH!!!!! So, I removed the Paypal link and created a whole new post: http://up-ship.com/blog/blog/?p=5966

    Don’t ask me why it was doing this. The code is simple and clear, and it went and did somethign completely different. Friggen’ computers…

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