Apr 182010

Penn Gillette shows how it’s done. Specifically, how to feel that someone’s choices are stupid… and to yet feel that that person has the right to make those stupid choices. Anyone who thinks that other people should not be allowed to smoke, drink, own whatever firearms they want, smoke dope, snort coke, read “dangerous” literature, watch crappy sitcoms, surf porn, worship a bag of Skittles as the One True God, keep their property and do with it as they please, marry whoever they like, listen to whatever music they like, dance however they like, succeed, fail, risk their lives and their fortunes on crazy ventures or any other damned fool thing… should read this piece.

They came first for the Hummers.Then they came for the pie.

 Posted by at 12:11 pm

  7 Responses to “Freedom means freedom to be stupid”

  1. First they came for the bankers, and I did not speak up, because I was told they were the reason I couldn’t afford my mortgage.

    Then they came for the businessmen, and I did not speak up, because I was told they were greedy bastards who were stealing my prosperity.

    Then they came for the Tea Partiers, and I did not speak up, because I was told they were homophobic bigots

    Then they came for me, and I sure as hell wish I’d wised up a little sooner.

  2. That’s perfect, Brianna. May I quote you?

  3. Penn Gillet certainly knows about stupid, he has been stuck on it the majority of his life.

    And yea, what Bri says!!!!

  4. Feel free.

  5. > Penn Gillet certainly knows about stupid, he has been stuck on it the majority of his life.

    Stuck on exposing it, to be sure.

  6. Hear hear! I should be able to drive my car on the sidewalk!

  7. > I should be able to drive my car on the sidewalk!

    You should be able to do any damned fool think you want, no matter how ill advised and dangerous… so long as the only one being endangered is *you.*

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