Apr 042010


PORTLAND – About two dozen women marched topless from Longfellow Square to Tommy’s Park this afternoon in an effort to erase what they see as a double standard on male and female nudity.

OK, sure, whatever. A bunch of women go publicly topless, and the absolutely inevitable happens:

The women, preceded and followed by several hundred boisterous and mostly male onlookers, many of them carrying cameras

That a bunch of men would be interested in watching a bunch of topless women should come as a surprise to precisely nobody. And yet… it does:

Ty McDowell, who organized the march, said she was “enraged” by the turnout of men attracted to the demonstration. The purpose, she said, was for society to have the same reaction to a woman walking around topless as it does to men without shirts on.

Snerk. Sorry, toots, but what you intend does not necessarily have the slightlest impact on what’s actually going to happen. Many men pay damned good money to see women’s jiggly bits; of course they’re going to show up for a free public display. You might as well get annoyed at someone who watches a free fireworks display, or who picks up money thrown out into the street.

 McDowell said she plans to organize similar demonstrations in the future and said she would be more “aggressive” in discouraging oglers.

Yeah, good luck with that.

Look, it’s real simple. Men find women attreactive. Men like to look at naked women (any man who says he doesn’t is either gay, crazy or lying). And it’s best that this is so. If men didn’t find women attractive… there wouldn’t be a next generation. Some men of course go too far with this sort of thing; but the existence of such is no more an indictment of men’s interest in the female form than Westboro Baptist Church or the American Nazi Party are an indctment against the concept of free speech.

Let’s face it… if nekkid wimmins can bring warring alien species together, then it should be pretty obvious to even the most thick-headed feminist that men are *always* going to be interested in looking at women.


“Gentlemen! Of all things in life, are females not the finest?”

 Posted by at 10:54 am

  17 Responses to “Someone’s a little confused”

  1. Damn near perfect thought: “Gentlemen! Of all things in life, are females not the finest?”

    Exactly who said that, and in what episode? It’s gonna be a tag line.

    Didn’t those silly women march last year, too? Or am I remembering a topless march in Europe?

  2. > Exactly who said that, and in what episode?

    Ambassador Londo Molari, in “Born to the Purple.”

    Something I always found amusing about B-5: The Narn are humanoid reptile that carry their young in puches, like marsupials… but their males are physically capable of “doing the deed” with human females (it’s implied that human males can boff the Narn females as well). On the other hand, the Centauri look almost entirely human… but the anatomical differences under the clothes are such that it would be basically impossible for humans and Centauri to accomplish much.

    “You see, we have six… um… we have six, you see…”

    > Didn’t those silly women march last year, too? Or am I remembering a topless march in Europe?

    I doubt a topless march in Europe would have been as newsworthy.

    This link includes a boatload of entirely Not Safe For Work photos from the march:

    The photo I find most interesting is #2. Not a naked chick to be found in that shot… but a wide range of photographic equipment is on display.

  3. The protest organizer was “enraged”? Hey, s**t happens. These guys who showed up to the event saved themselves a $10 entry fee, a $5 bottle of Snapple, and a $20 dance. Oh, and $2 for the jukebox. In this economy, you save whenever and however you can. It’s purely economic.

  4. There’s only one way for us men to react to a calumny on our character like this, and that’s for us to go out in giant _bottomless_ marches, and then complain if women show up to ogle us.
    Who shall lead us?
    Jonah Falcon shall lead us!
    He shall be the mighty battering ram that breaks down the walls of this female tits-out tyranny!

  5. So true.

    And Londo, Jeff and G’Kar make this article double win.

  6. > Jonah Falcon shall lead us!

    Why am I unsurprised that you had this information easily at hand?

  7. I confess to some unhappiness at the event. Not many of the exposed pairs were worth a first look. I guess I’m just picky.

    (Thanks for permitting me to offer the complete correct citation for the tagline.)

  8. > Not many of the exposed pairs were worth a first look.

    As Manny said… “Correction – are no homely women. Some more beautiful than others.”

    Ain’t no such thing as a woman wants to see *me* topless and wandering around polite society.

  9. “Correction – are no homely women. Some more beautiful than others.”


    All women are beautiful. It’s just that some don’t know it, or don’t want to be, so they are not. But they have to make a choice.

  10. > It’s just that some don’t know it, or don’t want to be, so they are not.

    The most beautful women I’ve met *generally* would not win beauty pageants (though there were a few, and one in particular…). And I’ve seen my share of women who were devastatingly gorgeous, and as soon as they opened their yaps you wanted to build a large concrete structure on top of ’em (I’m looking at YOU, celebrity airheads).

    I have no doubt that something vaguely analogous is true for males. But males… we are at best utilitarian. Females are works of art.

  11. I’ve hard it said that women exist to keep the society going, and men exist to make sure there’s a society; men create stuff that women can fuss over.

    I’m also quite firmly of the opinion that women are driven by twin needs: to be comfortable and to inspire the envy of other women. Men, in this context, are driven by a need to change the world around them and to show other men what they can do.

    Yeah, there have been a few women like the ones you describe, Scott, and, yes, there is one in particular…

    Celebrity airheads don’t really exist. The non-celebrity types who are that way deserve the disdain they receive. Some day I should expound on the ones I saw when I worked at Wal-Mart.

  12. Admin said:
    >> Jonah Falcon shall lead us!

    >Why am I unsurprised that you had this information easily at hand?

    First I heard of him was when he got interviewed by Samantha Bee on The Daily Show:
    But the fact he is white is some sort of miracle and sign from God.
    As to what the sign means is still murky, but no doubt time shall tell.
    Maybe if we make him Pope… 😉

  13. Sorry, having perused those pics I have to say, the majority of those needed covered! And the exponentially expanding girth on display there would do the NFL proud. None of those girls have been missing any meals, obviously. Perhaps that chick was pissed because guys were pointing and laughing, hmmm?

  14. As Manny said… “Correction – are no homely women. Some more beautiful than others.”

    It should be remembered, though, that Luna had a shortage of women. It’s understandable that Manny would develop such an opinion in that environment.

    It wouldn’t surprise me if “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress” was your equivalent of the Bible. I suspect that you, Prof, and Manny would agree on many things.

  15. “Perhaps that chick was pissed because guys were pointing and laughing, hmmm?”

    Double insult! Not only were the guys congregating to look, they weren’t even doing it to wolf-whistle!

    Remember the joke about two women walking past a construction site? The guys all whistle; one woman turns to the other and says, “Doesn’t it drive you crazy when they do that?” The other woman says, “Hell no. I’ll be going crazy when they stop!

  16. > It should be remembered, though, that Luna had a shortage of women. It’s understandable that Manny would develop such an opinion in that environment.

    For some men, the world is full of willing and available women (I’m looking at YOU, Glen Quagmire and Tiger Woods). For others of us, it is as if there are almost no women at all.

    > It wouldn’t surprise me if “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress” was your equivalent of the Bible. .

    THiaHM certainly has its value.

  17. Choosing popular literature as holy writ has a tradition. Karl Marx wrote some early stuff that was taken a God-given by the embarrassing class.

    I used Verne’s “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.” I read it to my infant daughter. I read “Beowulf” (translated) to my son. Both kids are a bit unusual but civilized and functional. If there are grandchildren, I will read “Destination Moon.”

    For child-rearing guidance I used the comic strip “Calvin & Hobbes.” I gave my son some of the collections, and he figured out what I had done to him and to his sister. That was the same summer he accused: “The reason you had children was so they could be slaves and science experiments!” I explained that I hated cutting the grass, and let him read “The Man of Bronze.”

    It’s funny what will have an impact on us. When I first saw the 1996 movie “The Phantom,” it set me off in a search for more on the character. I found lots of the old strips on line and realized that The Phantom had been a very real influence on how I thought about my place in society. As had “Buz Sawyer.”

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